Monday, February 2, 2009

Growing Business

With the economy being the way it is there is no doubt that our economy is in trouble and some may call it an "Oxy Moron" but this is also a great time to grow business. I had an email sent to me from my boss that I believe said it all. The following is an exert of the email:

"In a recent interview with Dan Kennedy, Dr. Michael Roizen M.D. co-author of YOU: The Owners' Manual made this point about getting people to care about the solution you offer. "Our failure in medicine is failing to understand that we have to 'sell' health. Just telling a patient is not enough, if you can't get that patient to really understand why it's important to them."

We often assume that people will immediately "get" the benefits of what we offer. But as Dr. Roizen points out, unless we are explicit in communicating precisely what the benefits are, people won't necessarily make the connection. Although a lot of service-providers recoil at the term "sales", effective selling is really more about communicating benefits than it is any other single factor.

Regarding my earlier point about communicating what you do in a way that evokes curiosity and a desire to learn more, Dr. Roizen describes what he does this way. "My job is to help patients understand their bodies so they can understand how much control they have over the quality of their lives." By using the term "control over the quality of their lives" Dr. Roizen is getting his listener emotionally evolved with the advice he offers. Creating an emotional connection makes the marketing message all the more powerful and memorable. Moreover, establishing that connection is imperative if you want to motivate your clients to follow your advice."

I thought this was a powerful yet simple tool. How many times do we come across opportunites where it is just easier to say, "Hey this is what I do, it's a great product you should think about buying it." I know I have done that, but where is the benefit? How will this benefit the other person on the other end of the conversation?

As was mentioned you can't just tell someone they need to see the benefit.

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