Friday, January 30, 2009

First Post

It has become very apparent to me that this is a great way to stay in touch with business and friends. I am not a blogger but am going to take a shot at it. As you will read in my profile I work for a Company out of Colorado Springs. We are an HR consulting firm that specializes in assessments. My title is Business Development Associate. My job is to, are you ready for this, develop business I know weird, but it is an awesome job and has been a huge blessing to get this job in these economic times. I just graduated with my degree in Human Resource Development with an emphasis in Corporate Training and Business Management from Idaho State University.

School never really game easily to me and it has been a large mountain to climb. I have always considered myself "street smart" I can pick up on things pretty quickly and have a drive to succeed at whatever I do. My family comes first and foremost. I have a beautiful wife and son with one on the way, a baby that is. :) So anyway I did it, I graduated from college and have been loving the time I can devote to my family, church and work. It has allowed me to really dive in in all aspects of my life. Not to say I didn't before but it just frees up some of my time.
I have been at my job now for almost a month and it has been crazy busy. I have been learning and growing and trying to understand what it is we do and how I can best help us get on the map.

Another reason I am doing this blog is to give anyone that reads it an opportunity to ask questions or give insights to my business or where we can help one another.