Monday, April 13, 2009

Customer Experience

As we continue further into the recession it is becoming more and more apparent that the customer experience is the driving source behind creating customer loyalty. What if you could insure that every employee you have greeted your customer with a smile and a go getter attitude? What if they always went above and beyond their job description? What would that do for your company? I can't guarantee that you will have 100% of employees that are going to have those characteristics, but with pre-emlployment assessments you can determine who is more likely to have those characteristics that will aid them in creating a memorable customer experience.

"People Talk", is what I call it. The old way of marketing and advertising is coming back into style. It isn't anything complex or difficult to understand. It's as easy as talking to a friend or co-worker about how great the food was, and not only that you had a good time there because your server created a fun and memorable experience. Word of mouth can be such a powerful marketing tool. Now, I am not in direct Marketing, however I have seen many things come to fruishen in my short career that would leave many people aw-struck. When people have an experience unlike any other they have had before, they are going to talk about it. Then when those people get curious enough and they go and check it out they are going to talk about it, and the stream of upbeat and positive feedback grows and grows. I know this isn't anything new or ground breaking. However, things of the past are just that. Companies don't have the money they did before to spend on marketing and advertising their products and services. So doesn't it make sense to put the money you do have into a staff that is going to do the marketing for you?

What is it about the customer experience that is so special? Recently Bruce Temkin of Forrester Research blogged about the 6 laws of Customer Experience. In this article one of things that he touched on was how the Customer Experience is in the "eye of the beholder." When you go to a store or restaurant you may have a totally different experience that you had at that very same store or restaurant just a few days ago. How would that make you feel if you had this wonderful experience one week then a terrible one the next? Consistency is such an important aspect of the customer experience. Pre-employment assessments can be the key to making sure you have consistent Brand delivery by exciting and energetic employees each and every time.